Thursday, January 11

A Diamond in the Rough

Driving to/home from Big Bear, we happened upon the best roadside stand ever.
From the front it innocently advertises itself as "Charlie Brown Farms," and according to my mom it used to be just that. And was particularly known for its date shakes. Now, however, it is also ANTELOPE VALLEY'S LARGEST GIFT SHOP. Some of my favorite items:

The classic self-condimenting hot dog

The village of gnomes (or so it was advertised...honestly we were a little disappointed)

Creative additions to any hunter's trophy wall

I really recommend that you all stop there. Oh my god it has a website!!! You can waste some time there, at the very least.

EDIT: Hmm, the website appears to neglect its collection of life-size statues. So don't be fooled, it's even weirder than it advertises itself to be.

1 comment:

cera said...

oh my god, I can't believe you neglected to blog about the most important thing about that gift shop, nate maantooth!

you're a bad parent.