Friday, September 22

The Room of Requirement

If it exists, it's totally at Oxford. And I had class in it this week. I also think one of our program directors might be Gilderoy Lockhart. (I'm sorry if you don't read Harry Potter and can't get my allusions).

Every time I post it pains me because I see how the blog is suffering. Again I'll stress my picture page as a supplement.

Things I've Learned While at Oxford:
- 'The Turf' is the pub where Clinton didn't inhale
- Even the numeric codes to get through the gates have historical significance
- I don't know who thought of punting, but I'd imagine it was some British alcoholics
- My life has been incomplete without Indian food

Friday, September 15

Thank you, Toby

Toby at STA Travel has made my day (/life).

October break plans (with Burg and Xtina):
21-23: Nice and Monaco
24-26: Florence
27-29: Rome

Additionally, there is a December Paris weekend that has been booked.

I am financially and physically drained and I haven't even been yet. But I'm also pretty excited.

Thursday, September 14

Olympics here I come

One of my fave London pics.

Thursday, September 7

Teaching Your Grandmother to Suck Eggs

Two of my tutors have said that in class so far. Of course noone knew what it meant, so one of them explained it as meaning 'Teaching someone something they already know' --because your grandmother already knows how to suck eggs, so it would be redundant to teach her. What wasn't explained was what it means to 'suck eggs.' So I'm still kind of in the dark.

Speaking of darks....Apparently all the dye had not yet come out of my skinny jeans. So although I thought they were safe to wash with some, they weren't. I now have a lot more light blue clothing than I used to. Which wouldn't really bug me if I didn't already have a light blue polo.

London this weekend, will try to get some good pics to spice up the blog. Maybe some people picketing outside of Tony Blair's house or something....

Monday, September 4

So it's not a cupcake, but...

A (freaking delicious) cookie and a cappucino for 2.55 pounds. The picture does not do it justice.

Saturday, September 2

The Dark Ages

No cellphone, no this is a whole new experience. It's hard to be my usual random-daily-blogging self when I don't even check my email every day. However I have found some time to provide two pictures:

A pretty view of Bath

A pretty view of a round of cider

Something that made me laugh recently-- a woman (British, obviously) working in a store told the group I was with that she loved our accents, and could listen to them all day.

EDIT: So I've thrown the few pics I've taken up on a yahoo photo account (see 'Bath Pics' link on the right)... I don't really have the time or patience to better organize it right now but I assume that will happen in the future.