Tuesday, June 26

21 Run!

Okay, I didn't actually have 21 drinks. Nor did I run, for that matter. But it was still a success.

Additionally, work gave me Sprinkles cupcakes. Which was pretty exciting considering I don't think they know about my minor cupcake obsession. Obviously I ate two before I even made it home... they were delicious.

Thursday, June 21

You're going to need a bigger boat

I usually never look at my Google home page, but I'm really glad I did today. Otherwise I would have missed the fact that the How To of the Day is....

How To Survive a Shark Attack

Yes I know that a picture of a shark cupcake isn't necessarily the best graphic representation of this article, but it's so innovative. Although it kind of looks like it could also be a dinosaur with a hat on. Hmm.

Aaanyway, my favorite part of 'How to Survive a Shark Attack!' is Step 5: Get out of the water. Ha, yes, please do. Although I also enjoy this little bullet point found in Step 4: Fight.
  • If you have a speargun or pole, use it!"
Ooh I just found a link to "How to Prevent a Shark Attack." (In case you were wondering, Step 1 is to stay out of shark infested waters....)

Wednesday, June 13

Navigators with their mappy maps?

Google maps is pretty sweet. Exhibit A:

It can't be toooo bad that I made this map while I was at work because it's sort of about work.......sort of.

Good thing noone really reads this except for Mack or I'd be making myself prime for stalking.

Sunday, June 10

I bore myself

Last summer my life wasn't any more exciting than it is this summer, yet still I found amusing things to blog about. Since then, however, it has been a slow trudge downhill. Jenni proposed I start a blog about commuting, which isn't a bad idea, except I usually just Get on the bus, Read, Get off the bus. With the occasional variation of Get on the bus, Listen to the pod, Get off the bus. And that one time: Don't get on the bus because the bus decided to leave 10 minutes early, Take a van to the bus, Sleep because I forgot a book AND the pod, Get off the bus.

So, since that's all I do...

Books I've Read This Summer:
  • Cloud Atlas- David Mitchell- A. Definitely a post-modern read but seriously amazing. It probably qualifies as at least 5 different genres and the plot structure/ attention to detail is impressive.
  • My Antonia- Willa Cather- B. I understand the literary world's appreciation for her writing, it has a very natural rhythym and was beautiful at times. The description of Antonia got a little 'Noble Savage' for me and the midwest isn't one of my favorite topics, but I'm glad I made it through.
  • Sweet Ruin- Cathi Hanauer- B. A lot more realistic than I expected which was refreshing at times. Not life shattering but a good plane read.
  • Forever in Blue: The 4th Summer of the Sisterhood- Ann Brashares- B. Hey, I'm not a literary elitist. I diversify my choices. It was .. exactly what you'd expect.
  • Animal Farm- George Orwell- B+. This was my third attempt to read this book because I always seem to start right before I leave for school. This time I finished it in one bus trip from SCV to Beverly Hills, ha. Merely confirmed my opinion that Orwell is awesome.
  • Special Topics in Calamity Physics- Marisha Pessl- A. The last 100 pages or so get an A+. Overall it's quite long but a) that makes it perfect for commuting and b) that makes the end even better, like a reward. It's sort of ... Catcher in the Rye meets The Waste land meets Nancy Drew ... or something. Read it!

Alright that's my Sunday post. Off to the library, mango margaritas, and the Tony awards. Obviously not all at the same time.