Sunday, October 15

A Very Merry UnBirthday

I'm going to culturally enhance my blog slightly today with a little link to the play I saw last night, The Birthday Party. It was good....but very very strange. I mean I guess that's the point, but it was certainly one of the more confusing plays I've seen. I also saw Conflict Tiger, this crazy russian documentary about man eating tigers..... both were on the study trip my modern british fiction class took to Bristol. It was an interestng day but I was ready to get back to the little bubble that is Bath.

My house has really maximized its pong potential in recent days. The danger being that sometimes the pong ball bounces out the kitchen window and has to be retrieved. Good times though, good times. Karaoke was a success. Sang a little Journey because, after all, we're in college. There were some other great contestants as well, particularly Pistol Pete who rocked out to some song that I can't remember, and Panda (yes, that was his name..) who 1)sang a Meatloaf song and 2) looked like Meatloaf. Too bizarre.

I continue to be grateful for itunes for making Grey's so downloadable. Tonight Burg and I will enjoy last week's episode, and perhaps a little guac. For now I am journeying home.


Anonymous said...

two things:
1) you can watch episodes of grey's for free at stop shelling out the bucks at the tunes.

2) i am said that i missed your IM this morning, though gettin up at 8am was not even a possibilty for me....but yes we should communicate soon

Zach Behrens said...

Hello!!!! What happens when you google "cupcake + multivitamin"? They find me and then you!!!!!

Hope all is well, what is your IM?

robyn grace said...

I've had to start sampling other desserts in the absence of cupcakes...I'm still all over the vitamin though, ha.

My IM is internet is touch and go but I'm around.

Hope the scv/sherman oaks is being good to you!