Friday, July 7

Dancing with Yourself?

So today I was waiting outside of Pavillions with a coworker's dog while she ran in and got coffee, and this man walked into the store whistling "Dancing with Myself." I'm sure this probably reveals nothing about his life besides which song was stuck in his head, however it seemed like a sad song to be whistling alone.

On another note, I was never a huge online shopper, right? And yet in the last, say, 5 days, I've bought: a coat, a pair of Rocket Dogs, Keeping the Faith on DVD, and the first season of Grey's. It's too easy to spend nowadays. I need to slow down so I can fund my European travels, and ultimately graduate from college with a savings account of sorts.

I would really enjoy it if Ben Folds would journey back to the US so that I could see him in concert. Damn you Lepp and your luck. Also, damn the fact that my "j" key is sticking, making words like "enjoy" and "journey" especially difficult.

Sometimes I wish my summer could just pass in a montage of all the particularly good moments, just to move it along.

And now that I feel like an emo 16 year old for having written that, I'm going to remind myself that I'm 20 by paying a credit card bill or something.

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