Tuesday, July 11

I'll trade you this paperclip for your grillz

I read two articles today that made me laugh:
-one about a guy who started with a red paperclip and, trading up through craigslist for bigger and better things, ended up with a house
-another about a district in texas that has outlawed grillz at school

i think both of these are pretty awesome. i wonder how many people saw that paperclip story and got on craigslist to do the same thing? i also wonder if the first person to trade with the paperclip guy (generously offering up their fish pen) still has the o.g red paperclip? things to ponder.

my brother and dad hiked mt whitney (aka highest mt in us) over the weekend....mostly i think they're insane. i guess when they got to the top they could feel thunderstorms looming so strongly that their hair was sticking up due to static electricity.

although they did see a few marmots. i would've enjoyed that.

fiiinally made my eye appt. with kaiser, and didn't have to listen to anymore muzak to do it. that'll probably be the one success of my day.

got my housing info for Bath, which is ..... interesting. hopefully it will turn out interesting in a good way.

1 comment:

Mackalicious said...

Ah ok. Well Steve will be gone after Friday and Im probably working on Saturday so doubtful. Ah well, it didnt work out.