Monday, July 3


so on the corner of my desk is a nectarine. sure, i'm well acquainted with the name. but after pondering it for a few minutes, i realized that i could not think of the flavor. it may be that i've never eaten a nectarine before. if i had to guess i would place it in the peach family because of its color, and the tangarine family because of its suffix. ..but who really knows?

what a thrilling writer i am. i noticed while setting up this page that one of the taglines for blogspot is "pushbutton publishing." now while that might be true in theory, i hope that the majority of blogspotters out there (excusing the few authors who also have blogs) understand that they are not, in fact, publishing anything. except their commentary. which probably goes unread by the majority of the population.

summary of post: i need more to do at work. or should work harder on previously assigned tasks.

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