Wednesday, July 26

*Dun dun*

Currently watching one of the best television shows ever made (see left). I think I've seen this episode at least twice already but it doesn't phase me. Actually I didn't even remember it ending like this. Man that's sad. But see! Never gets old.

This has been a good week. Lots of time with Fiore- shopping, eating, lazing. Attempted to climb Franklin the Valencia Heritage Park Arts Bear wearing our Legends of Hidden Temple Purple Parrot shirts but apparently they've taken him away for renovation. Seriously, leave a note or something. If you take away a giant bear people are going to notice.

Oh sweet, just got my new check card in the mail and I've been upgraded from gold to silver. Its weird that my first one expired. This one expires in 2010.... I don't even want to think that far ahead. Of course that's what I thought when I got my first one. Although it is a little weird that this one has the same picture on it. That means technically I could be using a picture in 2010 that was taken in 2002. Not that I'll age at all. Maybe by then I'll look 20.

Today (for once) I did the opposite of buying and actually returned a pair of shoes. Craziness. They were from Payless so it didn't net me very much however it'll be one less item on my floor and one less decision to make while packing.

And now that I've mentioned that dreaded word I'll retreat back into the land of denial.

1 comment:

robyn grace said...

i know, right? unless they like accidentally gave me a gold first and so i've been downgraded without even knowing it. something to ponder.