Wednesday, July 19

Marionettes: Friend or Foe

Boredom drives me to post.

Got my classes for Bath:
-The Beast, Big Brother, and Beyond: British Fiction since 1945
-The Writings of Virginia Woolf
-Science and Spirituality
-Myths and Legends of the British Isles

I'm pretty satisfied on the whole. I only have class T/W/Th, which makes me happy. I just hope that I don't have to read To the Lighthouse again. Twice is enough thanks.

Yesterday on the la county intern field trip I saw this:

Yep those are puppets. Yep they sang and danced. My life might be complete now. Also, they have a party room, so I'm thinking it's a great place to ring in my 21st.

I don't think I can top what I just wrote so I'll stop for today.

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