Monday, August 21

Let it snow Let it snow Let it snow

There is no energy preservation occurring in this building right now. And if so, I am not benefitting from it. It is freeeezing. I'm trying to delay putting on my sweater because I know it will only be a weak shield from the harsh environs.

So this weekend I saw this: and read this:

Step up was awesomely bad. Or horribly awesome. Whichever order makes the most sense for you.
The Red Tent was legitimately good. Not something I'd really recommend to the male reading population, but good nonetheless.

On a more general note: I try not to be an elitist about movies or literature. Even when a film/book isn't traditionally good, it usually has something that lends it a sort of diamond-in-the-rough status. (Like Step Up or Jaws 2). But sometimes, it is just bad. And no amount of laughing-at-it-and-not-with-it can change that. Alexander comes to mind (Fiore can speak to the horror) does another book I read this weekend. I don't want to name it because that can't be good luck. Not that I believe in luck, but I did open an umbrella indoors this weekend, and do I really want to tempt fate? Not that I believe in fate. Hmm. Anyway, if I see you reading it I'll rescue you from its horribly simplistic sentence structure, religious undertones, and ultra manipulated plot.

Happy Monday.

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