Tuesday, August 22

A Post for Miss Mack, On her Birthday

20 Good Things About Being 20

1) 12 months until you're 21
2) 52 weeks until you're 21
3) 365 days until you're 21
4) 8760 hours until you're 21
5) 525, 600 minutes until you're 21
6) 31,536,000 seconds until you're 21

Um, did I say 20 things? I meant 6.

Side note: Joel Stein, you cut me deep this morning. A dis to cupcakes AND Harry Potter at the same time? Ouch.

1 comment:

Mackalicious said...

lol thanks guys

being 20 is exciting, so far I got free Carls Jr for lunch and a birthday song from 65 tired girls. Woot.