Thursday, August 24


In my shock I could not think of a more clever title. So I'll get right to the point.

Tucker Carlson WON'T WEAR HIS BOWTIE on Dancing with the Stars ?!?!?!

Insanity. I thought they were inseperable. You don't see SpongeBob trading out his SquarePants for some distressed denim (excuse the horrible analogy). But really. If there was one reason I was going to watch it would be to see The Bowtie. Now I"ll leave Dancing with the Stars to the more devoted fans, ie my grandma, while personally sticking to the classics, ie watching that time Jon Stewart verbally kicked Carlson's ass on Crossfire. (which I desperately wish I could link, but am forbidden thanks to current browser).


Additionally: Breakfast so far: apple, licorice...and a cupcake. Fantastic.

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